(By Rachel Joyce)
“When everything is ready,
I will come and get you, so that you will always
be with me where I am” (John 14:3).
Always, Lord?
I cannot imagine such joy.
You’re always with me now, but then…
Oh, glorious truth,
I will be always with You
In the home You’ve prepared for me,
Of grace, dwelling of love,
Place of Your resplendent presence.
You give
Not as the world, with
Strings attached, demands intertwined,
But freely
Out of the abundance
Belonging to our Sovereign Lord.
So we rest
In this hope of glory,
This future, which came at great price.
Paid in full,
By the blood of the Lamb,
Our Lord of glory and God of all grace.
And so we
Remember the cross,
Reflect on the cost, and worship our Lord.