September 18, 2024
Praying Friends,
Setting goals for yourself is a necessary part of growth. Have you ever had goals for those you love? Paul did.
This is how he put it in Colossians 2:1-5.
I want you to know how hard I am contending for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not met me personally. My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments. For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how disciplined you are and how firm your faith in Christ is.
One of the noble purposes of Paul’s life was the blessing, growth, and development of those God put in his pathway. So deep was this objective that in verse 1, he talks about contending for them. It is the Greek word “agon” from which we get our word agony. Paul was agonizing over the progress of those he loved.
He had at least 4 objectives:
Firstly, he wanted them to be encouraged in heart. There are many nuances to this word encourage in the Greek language. It could mean comfort, exhortation, urge, or cheered. Possibly a combination of all these.
It matters not the century, the world we live in is depressing. The effects of sin have rendered it a difficult environment for the believer to thrive. As Paul wrote to these first-century Christians, he used the truth of God to comfort their hearts and urge them to continue in paths acceptable to God.
It is discouraging when you are tempted to sin.
It is discouraging when your family member turns from Jesus.
It is discouraging when it seems as if your prayers are not being answered.
It is discouraging when personal growth seems so slow.
It is discouraging when you see the world become more wicked.
The list is endless.
This is why we still need the Word of God to build us up! We need to rejoice in the God of our salvation. We need to allow His presence and peace to fill our hearts. We need to be confirmed in our hope of seeing our Savior. As you saturate your mind with truth, you will be encouraged!
Secondly, he wanted them to be united in love. The word united means to be held together or knit together.
Imagine you owning a beautiful knitted sweater. Accidentally, it became hooked so you snipped the thread; immediately, it started to unravel and had a big hole. The strength and value of the sweater is in the whole being held together as one. If the thread is cut and the knitting unravels, the sweater is ruined.
Your part in the church is important because you are woven together with all of God’s people. If the love-thread is cut then things begin to unravel. Love is that ingredient that binds and holds no matter what.
To be truly united in love we need to keep our focus on Him.
Why do we love? It’s because of Him.
How do we love? Of course, we love like Him!
When do we love? We love at all times, even when it is difficult.
Who do we love? We love all of God’s people, because they are all loved by Him.
Thirdly, he wanted them to have complete understanding and assurance of their riches in Christ. This would involve a full-on pursuit of Christ, for all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Him. Everything you need for this life and the next is found in Christ.
Hidden treasure is something that needs to be sought after. Finding it requires diligent effort or a lot of digging. As we read God’s Word, we will find Christ. The treasures are limitless.
Lastly, Paul wanted them to be strong in their faith! He was absent from them bodily, but present with them in spirit, and rejoiced that their faith was solid.
It is a good reminder that we live in community. We are not isolated islands, but we are together and our words, actions, and attitudes can benefit the growth and development of others. May it be so!
Thank you for praying for our prodigals and for revival among us.
Love in Christ,
Bryan and Rachel