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Colossians: The Core Three

What foundation do you have in the storms of life?
Photo Credit: Louise Hill

June 12, 2024

Praying Friends,

What forms the foundation of your life? When things are crumbling around you or your own life is filled with hardship and problems, what holds you in those times?

My dad built a house for his family in Red Bay, Labrador, in the 1950s. It was a unique design, painted barn red, and situated near the top of the hill overlooking the harbor. While the structure was built with reliable wood, the most important feature was its foundation. 

It was built upon stable, secure, solid rock. The house endured many winters of severe northeastern storms, which at times caused the house to shake and shudder, but it outlasted them all.


Paul continues his opening greetings to the Colossian believers by highlighting what is central in the lives of Jesus-followers. He prays for them, and as he does, he thanks God for their faith, love, and hope.


“We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God's people—the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel that has come to you” (Colossians 1:3-6 NIV).

Faith, love, and hope are the three core qualities that grounded the early believers and will sustain your life in the most difficult of storms.


Firstly, our faith in Christ Jesus describes what we are before God. It is our reality. We cannot fake faith, because it is what He sees. 

Faith started the moment we believe God, and continues to grow and deepen as we draw closer to Him and get to know and trust Him more intimately. 

Jesus identified the way in which this transformation works. He said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

St. Cyril of Alexandria (AD 376–444) commented on Jesus’ statement: “Just as the trunk of the vine gives its own natural properties to each of its branches, so, by bestowing on them the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, the only-begotten Son of the Father, gives Christians a certain kinship with himself and with God the Father because they have been united to him by faith and determination to do his will in all things. He helps them to grow in love and reverence for God, and teaches them to discern right from wrong and to act with integrity.”

Secondly, our love for God’s people is the result of a vibrant faith as mentioned in the above quote. As our faith grows, so will our valuation of the things that God values. As children of God we are profoundly dear and precious to Him. This should be reflected in our love for one another. 

The (agapē) love of God, is active, selfless, and benevolent. Its nature is to seek the welfare and blessing of the other. What is noteworthy in Colossians 1:4 is that these believers were commended for their love to “all” God’s people.


There was no discrimination. There was no partiality. There was no selectivity. This love is not based on preference or likability. It is a love that originates from God’s very nature and through the Holy Spirit works mightily in us and through us to all God’s people.

Let each of us challenge ourselves in our belief of this truth and its practical outworking in our lives today.


Lastly, our hope in God provides direction for all that we do. Both the faith and the love already mentioned spring from the hope that we have in our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is difficult to separate faith, love, and hope, or even to know which one comes first, second, or third as they are very much intertwined, but our text says that faith and love are possible because of the hope that we have. 

Our future hope is in a person, and that person is Jesus. All that we ever expect or can imagine is wrapped up in Him. Whatever benefits or blessings we will receive are nothing in comparison to being with and seeing our Lord and Savior.

Regardless of what storms we may be facing today, may God enable us to keep our focus on Him. Thank you for praying for our prodigals and for revival.

Love in Christ,

Bryan and Rachel


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