November 13, 2024
Praying Friends,
What is true north? If you are talking about navigation before the days of compasses and modern GPS systems, sailors who ventured beyond the sight of land needed a fixed reference point to guide them. So they looked to the heavens. The primary reference point in the northern hemisphere was the North Star, Polaris. It has guided many seafarers safely into port.
Now, true north has come to mean the direction on the compass that will guide you directly to the geographic north pole. This fixed point on the earth’s globe enables ships and aircraft to travel from one location to another safely.
When it comes to life, ”true north” refers to that guiding principle that keeps you moving in the right direction. True north for navigating life is God Himself, revealed in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our North Star. He is our true north.
As we enter into the more practical section of Colossians, including chapters three and four, Paul starts by pointing us to true north. He said, “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:1-2 NIV).
While each of us lives in different places, with different circumstances and different struggles, we all need a guiding principle on which to focus to get us safely through to the end.
The first thing Paul did as he started this section was to restate to the believers their spiritual status by saying, “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ.” This is our God-given position. This is our new standing in Christ. This is the reality that God speaks over us.
We have died to the world. We have died to sin. We have died to inward passions, we have died with Christ, and now by faith, we live resurrected lives through the power of Christ within.
Our status with God has changed. We have been firmly united to Him in Christ. This newness not only has new power, but it gives us a whole new direction, a whole new focus in life. Our purpose for life itself has shifted from a self-ward to a God-ward way of thinking.
That’s why Paul says to seek the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. What does this mean? Are we to neglect our families, our jobs, or our interests and think only about Christ Jesus on the throne? No! This is not the intent at all.
The seated Christ on the throne of His Father clearly describes a reigning king, and that is exactly what He is. Christ is King, and His kingdom has come to earth. Those of us who have been raised with Him are members of that glorious kingdom.
Paul’s instruction is that we strive for the advancement of that kingdom. It is living in such a way that we honor and exalt the King in every aspect of our lives.
As we love and respect our marriage partners, as we lead our families in the right direction, as we do an honest day's work, as we plug into our local churches, we are pursuing the things that are above.
He goes on to say, “Set your minds on things above and not on earthly things.” This means to be in a certain frame of mind or to have a focused attitude in a specific direction.
It is what the Lord Jesus taught His disciples when He instructed them on prayer. “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’” (Matthew 6:9-10).
With minds set on the will of God, or on things above, we, ourselves, will mature and grow, our relationships will thrive and prosper, and we will be giving Christ His rightful exalted place.
May God grant to all of us a true north perspective!
Thank you for praying for our prodigals and for revival among us.
Love in Christ,
Bryan and Rachel