Dorothy Stewart is Living Loved Today’s prayer warrior and encourager. She delights in the goodness of God and is grateful for the peace and joy she experiences daily from His gracious, nail-pierced hands. Her life has not always been so tranquil. God has taken her through many years of spiritual growth to enjoy His continual presence in her heart and mind. She is indeed thankful for learning from the Holy Spirit on a daily basis as God refines her for His glory.
On September 1, 1931, she was born in Bellville, Ontario, to Christian parents who loved God and taught her the good news of the gospel. Aware of her sin and realizing her need for the Saviour, she became serious about salvation at the age of 16. There was an empty place in her heart that only Christ could fill.
When she had come to the end of her own resources, she prayed for God's forgiveness, and, at that moment, Acts 16:31 flashed through her mind: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” At that moment, she knew she was redeemed, saved for all eternity. What joy flooded her anxious soul, what relief from sin! What a life-changing experience!
Since that memorable day, she has learned to love her Lord through the endless challenges of normal life. She married Don Stewart on December 1, 1951, and they were blessed with six children: Joan, Jeff, Bradley, Susan, Andrew, and Robert. When Brad was six months old, he developed influenza meningitis and suffered brain damage.
They had an active, busy household that revolved around their assembly on Eglinton Avenue. Their children all came to know the Lord while they were young. For that, she thanks God every day.
Her role during the 70s to 90s was organizing the kitchen and food preparation for events, showers, weddings, and funerals. They had a tract band, young people’s meetings, ladies’ coffee hour, special meetings, and picnics. For 20 years, she did features and devotionals each winter in many southern Ontario assemblies where she was blessed to know many godly women.
Her husband died in 2013 and she moved to Bethany Manor in 2015. She enjoys her home there and being useful in Bethany Lodge as a volunteer. Her best role in life now is to pray for family (including her grandchildren and great-grandchildren), friends, and God’s work among His people.
It was not always an easy life, but through it all — financial reverses, health issues, and difficulties — the Lord has been her strength, her rock, her peace, and her joy. She would not have changed her journey with Him in the least.
The older she gets, the more she values the lessons learned in adversity. Her Lord gave His precious life for her; God is good, and she counts herself blessed.