(By Rachel Joyce)
Staggering under the weight of their burden, they walked,
Weary and sad,
Hopes as dry as the spices they carried,
Shoulders weighed down by aloes, myrrh, and grief.
In the darkness, they carefully picked their way
Over stones and around bends
Toward His tomb.
How would they remove the stone? And how could they ever
Find joy again?
Faith battled fear as the rays of dawn rose
Lightening the horizon, as they neared
His tomb, with its dark empty mouth, and the stone
Rolled to one side, as angels
Stood on guard.
Dazzled by their brightness, terrified, the women
Fell, as the words
Echoed forth, “Why do you seek the living
Among the dead? He is not here, but has
Risen.” And they remembered His words and
Joy pushed back the darkness of
Grief and loss.
Alive, their Lord and master! Alive, their dreams and hopes!
He is risen.
And what a difference that makes! He’s alive!
He conquered death and the grave and now stands
Victorious in heaven, interceding
For us, always on our side,
Our Saviour.
In our darkness, His words bring light, His life brings us life.
He is risen.
And we will never be the same. Alive.
We are alive in Him, freed from sin’s chains,
Freed from death’s hold, victorious in Him and
Empowered to live for Him