Dear Praying Friends,
Thank you for your willingness to pray today for our prodigals and for revival. Our God is abundantly able!
After Abram left his home in response to God’s call and began his sojourn in the land of promise, God made two amazing appearances: First, God came with a message of protection and comfort. “After these events, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: ‘Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield; your reward will be very great’” (Genesis 15:1 CSB).
Abram was living in hostile territory. He had just rescued Lot from the hand of King Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him. Now, what was going to happen? Would his little group be annihilated by the many hungry, blood-thirsty enemies in the land?
God said, “Don’t worry Abram, I am better to you than a million shields. I am your shield, and I will greatly reward your faith.”
Secondly, God came with a message of revelation and challenge. “When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him, saying, I am God Almighty. Live in my presence and be blameless” (Genesis 17:1 CSB).
The way didn’t seem possible. The promise of God was not lining up with natural reasoning. Abram was old, Sarah was old and there didn’t seem to be a way for God’s promise to be fulfilled. Abram, whose name God changed to Abraham, needed to know that God was able to do what He said He would.
God told him, “Don’t wonder Abraham. I’ve got this covered. I know what I’m doing and don’t forget; I am the Almighty; I am El-Shaddai!” His power, His authority, His wisdom, His love, His resources are all limitless.
Then based on this reality, He challenged Abraham to live in His presence: to dwell in that secret, holy place where God alone is. These words were life and hope to a man and his family thousands of years ago, but they are for us as well. The God who protected Abraham and gave him the promised son at the right time, is our God. He is able to keep us and do what humanly speaking seems impossible to us.
Thanks again,
Bryan and Rachel