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In the Waiting

n our moments of waiting, we can lose hope and forget God’s promises.
Photo Credit: Benjamin Joyce

(By Lisa Peat)

Have you ever been in a trial that has been going on for a long time and you feel things are hopeless? Or have you been waiting and waiting for God to answer your prayer?

David felt that way too. God had delivered him from King Saul time after time. God had promised David that he would be king one day, but until then, Saul pursued David, trying to kill him. 

In the waiting, David became discouraged and he thought to himself, “Someday Saul is going to get me. The best thing I can do is escape to the Philistines. Then Saul will stop hunting for me in Israelite territory, and I will finally be safe” (1 Samuel 27:1).

David’s faith was faltering and he had forgotten God’s promises to him. He was losing hope. 

In our moments of waiting, we can lose hope and forget God’s promises. We may look at our situation and question whether God will come through for us. We can panic and feel tempted to rely on our own strength and efforts to work things out. 

David, along with 600 of his men and their families, went to King Achish of Gath and asked, if having found favor in his eyes, would the king give him a town to live in? King Achish gave him Ziklag to settle in. 

David, the man who sought God’s heart, who killed Goliath the Philistine, was living among the Philistines!

When Saul heard where David was, he stopped pursuing him. David accomplished what he wanted and Saul stopped chasing him, but he had compromised his walk with the Lord. David did not seek the will of God and did things that were not becoming of a man after God’s own heart. 

I read the following quote by Audrey Lupsisella and felt so encouraged because there have been times in my life when I lost hope and tried to work things out on my own:

Don’t you think God looks upon us in our moments of hopelessness and feels our hearts break, knows our desperation and panic and understands our choices – even though they are the completely wrong ones?

She could imagine God calling to David, “Come back! Come back, David!! I promise it’s just a little while longer. I promise I am faithful!”

When we keep our eyes fixed on Christ and choose to believe His promises — that He is faithful, that He wants our best, and that He will work things out for our good — even when our situation looks hopeless, we will find peace and the strength to endure and remain hope-filled. We will praise Him in the waiting and, oh, how that honors our Savior. 

Heavenly Father, there have been times in my life when I have forgotten your promises, and I turn to lesser things. I let fear rule and I try to work things out myself. Help me to remember Your faithful promises, to trust Your Word, and to wait on You. I don’t want to miss Your blessings. Thank You for Your compassion and love that keep calling me to a deeper and more intimate relationship with You. 


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