(By Rachel Joyce)
Shortly before crossing the Kidron Valley,
Where the waters flowed red
With the blood of the Passover Lambs,
Jesus raised His face to heaven
And prayed to His Father and ours,
“Glorify Your Son, so Your Son
Can give glory back to You.”
An endless circle of glory.
Love flowing from Father to Son,
Son to Father, and Spirit,
Community of love into which
We have been welcomed.
And we have the privilege of hearing
Jesus interceding for us: “I am
Praying…for all those who will ever
Believe in Me…I pray that they
All will be one just as you and I are one —
As you are in me, Father, and I am in You.
And may they be in us so that the world
Will believe you sent me. I have given
Them the glory you gave me, so they
May be one as we are one.”
And my heart cries, “Hallelujah!
Amen! May it be so, Lord!”
Make me one with You, draw me closer
To Your compassionate heart, help
Me love as You love, further Your
Kingdom here on earth. Purge
From me all that is not of You,
All that keeps me from bringing
You glory. Let me see Your glory,
Delight in Your presence, rest
In Your love, and spend my life
Drawing ever closer to You,
With Your people in a holy
Community of love.