By Heather Marshall
“Stop it!”
“You’re touching me!”
“I’m not!”
“Yes you are…”
This was the exchange between two of my sons on a long car drive after a fun but tiring weekend at a youth conference. The conversation went on like this for a few minutes more with tones rising and physical responses imminent. It was at this moment that I, as their Mom, had to step in and mediate between them.
Mediation is a way of resolving discord between two or more parties with the help of a neutral third party, a mediator. The goal is to bring the parties back together in unity with one another. With my sons, I intervened to help them each see the other’s point of view and then guided them to seek forgiveness from one another.
We all need spiritual mediation with God because we have sinned against Him and are separated from Him because of our sin. No amount of good works or law-keeping we could do would be enough to make us righteous to stand before a holy God because the Bible says that “all our righteous acts are like filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6 NIV).
We need someone who is perfect to stand in the gap between us and God and bring us back into a restored relationship with Him.
Our Perfect Mediator
Jesus is that perfect mediator who stands before God and He mediates for us. He is able to proclaim that we are free from all the charges that were against us because He took the penalty that our sins deserved when He died on the cross for us.
“For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people” (1 Timothy 2:5-6 NIV).
The truth of mediation for our souls is such a blessing and one that is absolutely necessary in order to receive salvation. His mediation is the only means of salvation.
Other Types of Mediation
As Christians, we may need mediation in other aspects of our lives as well. God’s desire for those who are saved is that they become part of a community of believers in a local church. He desires for us to worship, fellowship, and share the gospel in unity and love.
Unfortunately, sometimes issues can arise between fellow believers and that is when mediation may be necessary to bring believers back together in forgiveness and love for each other.
How are you doing in your relationships with others? Is mediation needed? Ask the Lord to guide you in this so you can seek the forgiveness and restoration necessary.
Mediation between fellow Christians may not be a new concept to you, but have you ever considered that you might benefit from some mediation within yourself?
Mediation Within
Maybe you are struggling with heavy emotions and you need some counsel to sort through these difficult feelings.
Or, perhaps you are having a hard time in your body, with physical symptoms that are hard to navigate.
In these situations, we need to seek the help of a professional who can help us mediate difficult emotions or challenges that we are having in our bodies. There is no shame in seeking help for these issues; rather, I believe that God desires us to get the help we need to lead us into greater wholeness in body, soul, and spirit.
Friends, I encourage you this week to review how you are doing in body, soul, and spirit. Spend time with the Lord and ponder whether you need mediation in any area of your life. Ask the Lord to lead you to the right person who can help mediate for you in this. He will provide, He is faithful, and He wants the best for you.