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My Strength

It hangs in curvy, graceful letters
On my kitchen wall, “The Lord
Is the strength of my life.”
Photo Credit: Jasmin Ne

(By Rachel T Joyce)

It hangs in curvy, graceful letters

On my kitchen wall, “The Lord

Is the strength of my life.” And as

I glance upward each day,

In my busy moments, I am

Reminded of that truth,

Which, like a lifeline, tethers me,

Gives me endurance and keeps

Me safe from all that would derail me.

I cling, in my weakness to the One

Who alone is my strength, my Lord,

My all. And I rest my weariness

On the One whose strength

Never flags, never fails, remains

Steadfast and sure.

The breath of God’s Spirit

Fills my lungs, fills my life

With holy power and strength.

And my praise flows from grateful

Lips, from a heart overwhelmed

By the goodness of my God,

The wonder of His grace,

Which accepts me as I am

But never leaves

Me that way; instead, works

Mightily in me, purging, refining,

Making me more like my Lord Jesus.


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Vaughan, Ontario, Canada

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