Dear Praying Friends,
Thanks for your commitment to pray for revival and for our prodigals.
One of the awesome privileges we have as Christians is to proclaim the excellencies of Christ to a dark and sinful world. This is what Peter wrote about to the scattered believers of the first century. In 1 Peter 2:9, he said:
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
The excellencies of Christ are the praises, virtues, glories, and goodness that make up His very character. His life perfectly revealed these wonders. They shone forth through His gracious words, His tender touch, His compassionate actions, His holy attitude, and His controlled anger.
According to Thayer, the meaning of the word “proclaim" is “to tell out, to tell forth, to declare, to divulge, to publish, to make known by praising, and to celebrate.” Wow! I had to ask myself, “Do I proclaim the excellencies of Christ?”
This is not limited to Sunday morning worship, although this event should certainly should be a time of great celebration. We should proclaim His virtues every waking moment of our lives.
We do this out of the fullness of understanding and accepting who we are in Him. We are a chosen race. That means that He loved us enough to select us from the miserable pit of sin.
We are a royal priesthood. That means we dwell in His presence and have direct connection with His person.
We are a holy nation. That means we have been set apart by God for a special purpose.
We are His very own possession. That means He purchased us and brought us into His circle of love.
It is difficult to grasp it all because it is so absolutely amazing, but as we do, the proclaiming of Christ will become more natural, vibrant, and real! Open up your hearts to God and proclaim the excellencies of Christ. He is listening.
In Him,
Bryan and Rachel