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Worship Our Savior

By Judy Aspenson

A star shining brightly o’er a small town below,

A babe in a manger in a stable aglow;

The sky filled with angels, heaven’s chorus amazed,

On the hills, quiet sheep, wond’ring shepherds agaze…

Crude swaddling cloth

And a bed made of hay?

The birth of a King

In so humble a way?

Oh the welcome of One Who was given to the world,

So lacking the fanfare due a Son so adored.

Sweet the cry of that baby on the gentle night winds,

Who was sent to a people…and He’d die for their sins?

With our heart as an offering,

like the wisemen, we’d come;

Humbly worship our Savior!

This is Jesus, God’s Son.


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Vaughan, Ontario, Canada

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Home page cover image and others by Tescha Kember Photography at

Contributing photos by Violet Light Photography at 

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